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Product  » TOHO » Temperature Sensor


Teflon Tube Type

Teflon Tube Type

The Teflon Pipe sealed temperature sensor uses a fluorocarbon-resin protective pipe and is highly resistant to chemical substances, like acid and alkaline. This product excels at temperature measurement in the presence of chemical substances. Thermocouples, resistance temperature sensors, and thermistors are available as temperature detecting elements.

Sheath Type

Sheath Type

The Sheath type temperature sensor is flexible and excels in durability and thermo-resistance. It can be incorporated into any product based on user demands. Thermocouples and resistance temperature sensors are available as temperature sensor elements.

Shealed Tube Type

Shealed Tube Type

The Seal Pipe temperature sensor uses a stainless steel or titanium protective pipe. Its surfaces can be sanitized or elctropolished, if necessary. Thermocouples, resistance temperature sensors and thermistors are available as temperature detecting elements.

Thin Sheath Type

Thin Sheath Type

The very Thin Sheath temperature sensors have three outer diameters of 0.15, 0.25 and 0.5 mm and are the best fit for temperature measurement in very small parts. Only K thermocouples are available as its temperature detecting elements (wires of N, J and T are available for 0.5 mm diameter types only).

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